Wednesday, September 5, 2007

You go backwards but then you go forwards again.

As expected, my life is once again in a crazy place. This change in the status quo, of course, stems from the fact that school started yesterday. Already I can tell that this semester is going to be crazy. Most likely, I won't have time to do anything but read, plan lessons, write papers, and correct assignments. What a life, right?

Things around the U of M have been pretty crazy with the onslaught of masses of students rushing around. I suppose I became accustomed to the campus being somewhat deserted during the summer, so seeing the place so hectic again has come as a rude awakening. I feel like the class I'm teaching this semester is going to be a challenge--not the actual course material, but the students. Granted, it is an 8:00 am class, and we have only met two times, but I have this lurking feeling that I'm going to be the one putting forth all the effort. We'll see.

The temperatures have been pretty unbearable. It's not that I mind to sweat, but it's really frustrating and embarrassing to have to walk around with my face glistening and my shirt spotted with wetness. I'm ready for a break in the temperature.

Something happening at home that I just caught wind of today has me pretty worried, but it's not something I can really go into here. I think I would give anything to go back and undo what can't be undone.

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